What a weekend at Event Cinemas Sydney!

To our SF3 2019 filmmakers, a huge thank you for being a part of the fifth annual SmartFone Flick Fest! What a wonderful weekend of smartphone films it’s been. From SF3 Kids to our inaugural smartphone feature film, Blue Moon, and our epic SF3 Gala Awards, you’re passion, creativity and talents are why we run this festival to showcase the amazing things you do…and all on that little smartphone you’re carrying in your pocket!

We are thrilled to announce this year’s award winners, but in our mind, anyone who is inspired to tell their own, unique story through film is already winning by embarking on this smartphone filmmaking journey and becoming a part of the #FILMBREAKER movement.

Without further ado…here they are!

SF3 2019 Gala Awards

SF3 2019 Best Film – ‘Sad Sachs’ by Joel Perlgut
SF3 2019 Best Director – Дарья Свириденко Daria Sviridenko for ‘The Broadcast’
SF3 2019 Best Screenplay – Joel Perlgut for ‘Sad Sachs’
SF3 2019 Best Cinematography – Bryan Fisher for Kenny Foo’s ‘Colder’
SF3 Best Cinematography Runner up – Jack MacAvoy for ‘Sad Sachs’
SF3 2019 Best Actor- Jared Jekyll for ‘Sad Sachs’
SF3 2019 Best Actress – Stephanie King for ‘Sad Sachs’
SF3 2019 #FILMBREAKER Award – Peter Haynes for ‘Breakable’
SF3 2019 WIFT Award – Rachael Belle Myers for ‘They’re Listening’
SF3 2019 Luma Touch Made on Mobile Award – Adrian Jeffs for ‘Turning Point’

SF3 2019 Best Feature Film – ‘Blue Moon’ by Stefen Harris
SF3 2019 SF360 Best Film – ‘Check Point’ by Mel White
SF3 2019 Founders Flick Pick – ‘The Reef’ by Sven Dreesbach

SF3 2019 Kids Awards

SF3 2019 Kids Best Film – ‘Screen Age’ by Cal Thatcher
SF3 2019 Kids Best Director – Kate Snashall for ‘718 Thousand Hours’
SF3 Kids 2019 Best Screenplay – Kate Snashall for ‘718 Thousand Hours’
SF3 Kids 2019 Best Cinematography – Rocco Roncato for ‘Ants’
SF3 Kids 2019 Best Actor – Dylan Quick for ‘Memory Wipe’
SF3 Kids 2019 Best Actresses – Ella Humphries and Kara Rose for ‘The Difference Between Us’
SF3 2019 Community Award –Emily Prior for ‘Say Something’

A huge congratulations to all the filmmakers that entered SF3 2019 and a big heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been involved and attended and supported this year’s festival and this new wave of #FILMBREAKERS

Support SF3

We are currently seeking fun and innovative brands to join us for the next festival and beyond.

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Our Sponsors

Black Magic Design
Accounting Heart
StoryBoard Quick
Mobile Innovation Network Australasia
Screen Producers Australia
Shot Lister
Screen Actors Workshop
Chicken & Chips
Accounting Heart
Rubber Monkey
Jason van Genderen
Star Now
Spineless Wonders
Trenear Printing
Song Saga
Film Ink


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