Pitch an SF3 film idea for your chance to have your film professionally cast by Australia’s leading casting agents, Chicken and Chips Casting. You have 1 week to submit your 2 minute video pitch and the winner will have some of Australia’s leading actors star in their film and have it screened at SF3 2022. We want all film ideas no matter the budget, from $0 up to making it rain, from all across Australia.
1. Send a 2 min video pitch of your film idea to sf3@sf3.com.au. The pitch doesn’t have to be anything fancy. We just want to see you and your idea, tell us about your concept, your story, the characters etc. The deadline for pitches is midnight AEST Sunday 3rd July, 2022.
2. The C&C team will review pitches and give SF3 the shortlist by Monday 11th July.
3. Shortlisted films will be asked to send in their completed scripts by 18th July.
4. The C&C team will make their winner selection by 22nd July.
5. The winner will work with C&C to cast their film and have approx 1 month to shoot their film for the SF3 September 1st deadline.